Thursday, November 29, 2012

Our November Book

We will be reading Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky for our meeting on November 15. 

I have been meaning to read this book since it came out and I learned the back story. Irene Nemirovsky was a writer during WWII in France. She also happened to be Jewish. She did not survive the war having died  in the infirmary at Auschwitz. In the 1990s her daughter found the notebooks with two novellas in them that were then published as Suite Francaise. Amazing backstory.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Welcome Book Clubbers

I am going to use this blog to share what my adult book club is reading with those members who cannot attend. Feel free to post your own comments whether you could make it to the meeting and, more importantly, if you cannot come.

Our November book was The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton. I liked it very much. It kept me guessing throughout although I thought I had figured out the mystery of Nell's parentage fairly early on. I accepted all the red herrings Morton presented along the way. (From a description of the book on A foundling, an old book of dark fairy tales, a secret garden, an aristocratic family, a love denied, and a mystery. The Forgotten Garden is a captivating, atmospheric and compulsively readable story of the past, secrets, family and memory from the international best-selling author Kate Morton.

If you read the book but could not come to the meeting and would like to comment, please do so below. The members who came to the meeting, all liked the book and we discussed the red herrings and when we all figured out the mystery. I don’t want to give anything away here because I know some members still want to read it. Superstorm Sandy really messed us up this month. 

 If you have any suggestions for next month's book, please write them below.